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SIGraDi 2022 | Critical Appropriations

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48: Form finding with flexible concrete materialization with addition of agro-industrial pozzolans
Original title: Form finding con materialización en concreto flexible con adición de puzolanas agroindustriales

Research in ESPAÑOL

This research is based on the problems faced by designers in the execution of models generated with the "Form-findind" design technique, due to the low or non-existent market proposal regarding the quality of materials capable of withstanding the stresses to which a model with complex curvatures is subjected; therefore, the use of agro-industrial pozzolans (sugarcane bagasse ash) is proposed as a 20% substitute for Portland cement to obtain flexible concrete, with the intention of evaluating the physical-mechanical behavior and its application to geometries based on force systems (catenaries) obtained from mesh relaxation through digital simulation, following the form-finding technique, resulting in a 16% superiority in compression tests of concrete with pozzolans compared to conventional concrete (control).
Parametric Analysis, Concrete, Pozzolana, Catenary, Form finding.

Luis Manuel Ramirez Perez
Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo

Erica Elizabeth Perez Muzquiz
Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo

Miguel Angel Ruvalcava Sandoval
Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo


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