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SIGraDi 2022 | Critical Appropriations

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104: Lost in architectural designing - Possible cognitive biases of architects during the early design phases
Original title: Lost in architectural designing - Possible cognitive biases of architects during the early design phases

Research in ENGLISH

In order to meet the housing demands of the future, architects need to work faster and more efficiently while improving architectural quality. The metis projects aim to create an intelligent design assistant supporting architects during the early design stages through suggesting further design steps for spatial layouting, based on the best practice of reference buildings. By enhancing suggestions with explainability, the system offers insight to improve Human-System-Interaction (HSI), bridging the ‘black box’ problem. The explanations aim to either support the reasoning process or mitigate possible biases of architects, which can be rooted in the heuristic ‘System 1’, as well as the analytical ‘System 2’, drawing from the ‘dual process model’. Within this paper, we propose our approach to clarify the four main heuristic biases and the logical errors of architects, when using reference buildings, and their respective representation during the architectural design decision-making process.
Decision Making, Biases, Explainability, XAI, Human System Interaction

Jessica Bielski
Technical University of Munich

Viktor Eisenstadt
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) / University of Hildesheim

Christoph Langenhan
Technical University of Munich

Frank Petzold
Technical University of Munich


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