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SIGraDi 2022 | Critical Appropriations

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113: Digital-cultural inclusion ERT / VDS; workshop indigenous housing for Purépechas Autonomous Communities.
Original title: Inclusión digital-cultural ERT / VDS; workshop vivienda indígena para Comunidades Purépechas Autónomas.

Research in ESPAÑOL

Since March 2020, architecture schools in the world took significant decisions to abandon face-to-face learning; overnight, for security reasons, institutions around the world had to close their doors, confining professors, and students at home to teach online. Education before the Covid-19 pandemic was moving towards digitalization and online teaching, so the emergency exponentially detonated this phenomenon, bringing the Virtual Design Studio (Virtual Design Studio, VDS) as a practical-pedagogical option for distance education. Therefore, defining the concept of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT). Firstly, the identification and intercession of the previous notions, this work approaches an applicative case with the realization of a workshop, which under the modality Multilevel Workshop -also called Vertical Workshop-, the Faculty of Architecture of the UMSNH proposed to integrate knowledge, skills, and competences under the scheme of Problem Based Learning (PBL).
ERT, VDS, Diseño, Hábitat, Arquitectura

Juan Carlos Lobato Valdespino
Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo

Jorge Humberto Flores Romero
Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo


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