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SIGraDi 2022 | Critical Appropriations

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117: Online conversational strategies in technical advisory meta-learning for socio-spatial groups.
Original title: Estratégias conversacionais online no meta-aprendizado de assessoria técnica para grupos sócio-espaciais

Research in PORTUGUÊS

The article makes a critical reflection on a remote learning experience for training specialists in Spatial Agency for Social Housing - ATHIS. The objective was to promote conditions for students to problematize about 'how' digital technologies could be appropriated in ATHIS. A meta-learning process was envisioned with the objective of experiencing in practice a co-creative dynamic using digital tools. Based on radical constructivist thinking, the proposed methodology used the digital platforms Zoom and Miro to associate two cybernetic collaborative ideation strategies: Team Syntegrity (Beer, 1994), and GIGAmapping (Sevaldson, 2012). The results showed that the experience significantly contributed to the expansion of knowledge of each participant regarding the topics studied and allowed the reverberation of individual contributions throughout the team. Once it has been verified that collaboration interfaces enable but do not guarantee collaborative work, we bring to the discussion three other structuring components that can be allies of simultaneous and integrated online work between groups.
Online Learning, ATHIS, Peer-to-peer Learning, Team Syntegrity, Gigamapping.

Mateus van Stralen
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Marcus Vinícius A. F. R. Bernardo
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Isabel Amália Medero Rocha
Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Amélia Panet de Barros
Universidade Federal da Paraíba


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