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SIGraDi 2022 | Critical Appropriations

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121: The remains of Morro do Castelo: locative gaming and digital heritage in Rio de Janeiro
Original title: The remains of Morro do Castelo: locative gaming and digital heritage in Rio de Janeiro

Research in PORTUGUÊS

This paper describes a research studying the tactical appropriation of location-based informational media in urban space. More specifically, we are concerned with using these techniques as a ludic tool to shed light in the processes of urban transformations and preservation of heritage in the city of Rio de Janeiro, using Morro do Castelo as a case study. This research is divided in three parts: the first comprises a historical review of the demolition of Morro do Castelo; the second consists in the elaboration of a set of points of interest related to the theme downtown Rio; the third involves the creation of a proof-of-concept prototype using the Actionbound platform, conducting a few field tests to evaluate the consistency of the itinerary. The results indicate the potential of location-based games as a tool for cultural heritage education, as well as the inherent difficulties in designing such experiences.
Digital heritage; Location-based games; Morro do Castelo; 20th century Rio de Janeiro

Maria Clara Palermo Meliande
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Rodrigo Paraizo
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


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