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SIGraDi 2022 | Critical Appropriations

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16: A multilingual grammar for ‘The International Style’, and its hybrid grammar
Original title: A multilingual grammar for ‘The International Style’, and its hybrid grammar

Research in ENGLISH

This paper describes the proposal and results of a multilingual shape grammar to describe the designs of three architects, precursors of the ‘International Style’. A shape grammar is a generative process that allows the recreation of designs that follow a language. Grammars are useful mechanisms to describe patterns and generative processes that can be used for analysis or design exploration. Most grammars represent one language. This study focuses on three independent languages within the same movement. The proposed grammar is parametric and allows the independent recreation of each independent design. Its difficult application can be linked to the difficult evaluation process. This research proposes a quantitative and a qualitative method of grammar evaluation, using respectively Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and user questionnaires. The results are then discussed and assessed using hybrids that fall in between languages and help delineate parametric spaces.
Shape Grammars, Multilingual Grammar, Generic Shape Grammar, Hybrid grammar

Deborah Benros
University of East London
United Kingdom


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