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SIGraDi 2022 | Critical Appropriations

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187: SynBio-Design: Building new infrastructures and territories with Synthetic Biology.
Original title: SynBio-Design: Building new infrastructures and territories with Synthetic Biology.

Research in ENGLISH

Which kind of imagination do we need for the future of our planet? In the past 150 years, we have completely transformed our biosphere. Today we have arrived at points of no return in global warming! The temperature of the Arctic Ocean will increase by 3-5°C by mid-century. This will lead to disastrous ocean acidification, sea-level rise, and worst of all the thawing of the permafrost that will release 1 trillion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. In this paper, we argue that building with biology will be the most important force to transform our planet. Since 2006, Synthetic Biology (SynBio) has surfaced as the fastest-growing technology in human history. SynBio involves emerging techniques that allow us to design, edit, and engineer all kinds of living organisms. In this paper, we elaborate on its potential development in growing infrastructures and its impacts on architectural thinking.
Bio-Inspired Design. Synthetic Biology, Bio-Architecture, Climate Change, Biotechnology

Alfredo Andia
Florida International University
United States


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