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SIGraDi 2022 | Critical Appropriations

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200: The use of visual programming interface for structuring a generic digital framework in a city information modeling workflow
Original title: The use of visual programming interface for structuring a generic digital framework in a city information modeling workflow

Research in ENGLISH

One of the great challenges for the urban planner/designer is to establish strategies to deal with the increasing complexity of the contemporary city. Among the possibilities of dealing with it, the emergence of the so-called City Information Models (CIM) has presented itself as a promising direction. This paper seeks to contribute to the problem by describing a way to structure a CIM and proposing the creation of a computational application called Carcará, a plugin for a visual programming interface capable of reading and writing to a georeferenced database, allowing the creation of representations not only of the built space, but also manipulations of its semantic characteristics and calculation of a variety of metrics.
City Information Model; urban planning; interface design

Eugênio Moreira
Federal University of Ceará

João Victor Mota Alexandrino
Federal University of Ceará

Vinícius Fernandes Muniz
Federal University of Ceará

Daniel Cardoso
Federal University of Ceará


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