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SIGraDi 2022 | Critical Appropriations

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203: Digital fabrication of facial prostheses from photogrammetry, three-dimensional modeling and 3D printing on filament (FDM) and resin (SLA).
Original title: Fabricação digital de próteses faciais a partir de fotogrametria, modelagem tridimensional e impressão 3D em filamento (FDM) e em resina (SLA).

Research in PORTUGUÊS

This paper aims to describe the process of digital manufacturing of facial prostheses for patients injured by cancer. For this the proposed innovation is the use of low-cost digital tools, such as photogrammetry, 3D modeling and 3D printing. The main software used are: Blender for modeling the prostheses and the add-on OrtogOnBlender for generating photogrammetry. As a result of the process, the following can be observed: 1 - Less invasive approach to the patient; 2 - Low production cost; 3 - Optimization in production time; 4 - Greater anatomy accuracy and prosthesis details; 5 - Documentation through digital recording of the entire process.
Digital Fabrication; Photogrammetry; Prosthetics; 3D Modeling; 3D Printing

Antônio Henrique Silva Nogueira
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Manuel Guerra
Guerra Tech

Eliane Cristina Viana Revoredo
Hospital de Câncer de Pernambuco


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