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SIGraDi 2022 | Critical Appropriations

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228: Virtual reality and the familiarization of the University Campus space: USP São Carlos
Original title: A realidade virtual e a familiarização do espaço do Campus Universitário: USP São Carlos

Research in PORTUGUÊS

Despite the multiple initiatives of extension activities currently implemented at USP São Carlos (SP - Brazil), the relationship between university and society can be strengthened in the context of a public presence in the physical spaces of the Campus, especially considering the majority of the city's population, which is not integrated in its academic community and doesn’t use the same areas. This paper proposes that the products developed can encourage the neighboring communities of the Campus to enter its inner spaces, through a spatial familiarization in virtual environments. To achieve this, two distinct technologies were researched - virtual reality and virtual tour with 360° photography - evaluating their qualities and constraints. Finally, the main differences between the two processes were grouped in a comparative chart, as a result of this research.
Virtual Reality; Immersive Environments; 360° Photography; Digital technology; Universidade de São Paulo.

Eduardo Galbes Breda de Lima
Universidade de São Paulo

Simone Helena Tanoue Vizioli
Universidade de São Paulo


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