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SIGraDi 2022 | Critical Appropriations

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252: A new approach to design patterns for small public spaces: behaviors, processes and elements.
Original title: Uma nova abordagem de padrões de projeto para pequenos espaços públicos: comportamentos, processos e elementos.

Research in PORTUGUÊS

Considering urban design as a manipulation of a complex web of nodes and connections with simultaneous interactions leads us to the systemic thinking that can be applied to the design of public spaces. The development of design pattern systems and urban toolboxes can be identified by different authors who seek to systematize urban elements from systemic thinking, considering the new urban challenges. The objective of this article, therefore, is to propose the start of a new systematization of design patterns for small public spaces based on three main classes: behaviors, processes, and elements. The methodology can be summarized as (a) theoretical foundation and literature review; (b) organization of the system into classes and attributes; (c) development of the patterns and relations. As a result, we have a friendly representation of the system which mainly discusses how new tools and people behaviors interact with urban elements in small public spaces.
Smart cities, Urban toolbox, Systemic thinking, Small public spaces, Pattern language.

Megg Sousa
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

Alexandra Paio
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa


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