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SIGraDi 2022 | Critical Appropriations

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270: Ludo faber alumni: playful experiences of digital manufacturing for the appropriation of educational spaces
Original title: Ludo faber alumni: experiencias lúdicas de fabricación digital para la apropiación de espacios educativos

Research in ESPAÑOL

The present study is inserted in the learning context of the Architecture career of 40 students in a course of Applied Digital Fabrication. It seeks to explore the design possibilities that are produced by permeating game design features with digital architectural design and digital fabrication with each other. What spatial design potentials appear when introducing and intermingling the notions of Homo Ludens and Homo Faber in architectural generative design systems?
Digital fabrication, Gamification, Generative design, rule-based design

Felipe Arenas
Universidad de Las Américas

Pablo Banda
Universidad de Las Américas


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