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SIGraDi 2022 | Critical Appropriations

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28: Experimental Study of Prototyping of Autonomous Responsive Cell Panels for Pavilion Design in the Midwest Region of Brazil
Original title: Estudo Experimental de Prototipagem de Painéis de Células Responsivas Autônomas para Projetação de Pavilhão na Região Centro-Oeste do Brasil

Research in PORTUGUÊS

There is little research on the possibilities and limitations of digital design, prototyping and manufacturing of architectural components inspired by microscopic plant structures. The hypothesis was that "prototypes of autonomous responsive cell panels can be produced using digital manufacturing by addition and robotics. The objective was to determine the possibilities and limitations of the design, prototyping and manufacture of a responsive cell prototype inspired by the microscopic plant structures of the peel of fruits of Annona Cherimola, Mill and Annona Squamosa, L. (atemoia), Mauritia Flexuosa (buriti), Attalea ssp (babassu coconut), Annona Muricata (soursop) and Annona Squamosa (pine cone or conde fruit). Autonomous responsive cells inspired in plant structures can be produced. But the autonomous responsive cell controlled for sensor-presents itself as an alternative to automatic orientation toward a natural (sun) or artificial lighting source.
Robotics, Biomimetic, Responsive Architecture, Arduino, Digital Fabrication.

Juan Carlos Guillen Salas
University of Brasilia

Neander Furtado Silva
University of Brasilia

Luana Miranda Esper Kallas
Goias Federal University


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