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SIGraDi 2022 | Critical Appropriations

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65: Programming complex 3D meshes. A generative approach based on shape grammars.
Original title: Programming complex 3D meshes. A generative approach based on shape grammars.

Research in ENGLISH

This article summarizes the results of art based research developed thanks to a grant by the PUCP University of Lima in 2021-2022. An open source generative solution will be described, based on generative grammars, to create very complex and programmable 3D meshes. Analyzing hundreds of models generated with these algorithms, a solution was found based on the idea of “intelligent meshes”, which change their behavior during the modeling process. This is done using tags, or vertices identifiers, that, like genes, describe the topological characteristics of each vertex and its generative development during the process. Tags can be programmed interactively editing its data with tools provided by the interface or using generative grammars that allow an incredible variety of complex forms and stimulate the user creativity. The research findings also elucidate some important conceptual issues, like the importance of original technology development to defend cultural identity.
Computational creativity, Cultural identity, Generative grammars

Umberto Roncoroni
Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas


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