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SIGraDi 2022 | Critical Appropriations

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67: The development of a BIM Execution Plan for contracting public work projects
Original title: Desenvolvimento de Plano de Execução BIM para contratação de projetos de obras públicas

Research in ENGLISH

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the current expression of innovation in the construction industry, a set of technologies, processes and policies that affect the deliveries, the relationships and the roles of the civil construction industry. In Brazil, BIM is still scarce, especially in the public sector. Due to this problem, this study aims to elaborate a BIM Execution Plan for public works project contracts. The focus of this study is a public institution in the state of Ceará. For the development of this study, we adopted the Design Science Research method. As a result, we obtained a BIM Execution Plan that served as a foundation for the elaboration of BIM projects in the public institution in question. Therefore, this study contributes to the reduction of the main errors in BIM project contracting and, as a result, to the dissemination of BIM in the state of Ceará.
BIM Adoption, ISO 19650, BIM execution plan, BIM implementation, Public sector.

Amanda Régia Vieira Teles
Universidade Federal do Ceará

Mariana Monteiro Xavier de Lima
Universidade Federal do Ceará


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