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SIGraDi 2022 | Critical Appropriations

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84: An Experiment at the Smart Campus UEL: Guidelines for a Technological Tool of Architectural Heritage’s Visual Perception
Original title: Um Experimento no Smart Campus UEL: Diretrizes para uma Ferramenta Tecnológica de Percepção Visual do Patrimônio Arquitetônico

Research in PORTUGUÊS

This research aims to think of guidelines, from a Smart Heritage perspective, for the development of an artifact that will aim to “boost” the visual perception of the architectural heritage. Thus, the Smart Campus at UEL works as the research environment, as a living lab to test the points of the Smart City. The research was designed in Design Science Research in six steps: (1) Problem Identification, (2) Suggestion, (3) Development, (4) Demonstration, (5) Evaluation, and (6) Communication. The results presented correspond to phases (1), (2) and structuring of (3). Step (2) had a focus group of four experts in the field of architectural heritage and sought a more realistic epistemological position, focusing on real problems and solutions about the visual perception of architectural heritage in visitation itineraries. Based on the experts' statements, a cross-check was made with the points raised in the Smart Heritage literature to then list the main guidelines for the artifact.
Smart Cities and Environments, Smart Heritage, Visual perception, Architectural Heritage, Smart Campus

Gabriela Oliveira Wedekin
State University of Londrina

Clara Favaretto Montenegro
State University of Londrina

Rovenir Bertola Duarte
State University of Londrina


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