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SIGraDi 2022 | Critical Appropriations

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98: Requirements to assemble a digital fabrication robotic unit
Original title: Premissas para montar unidade robótica de fabricação digital

Research in PORTUGUÊS

This article provides support for Universities dedicated to Architecture and Urbanism to implement a Robotic and Digital Fabrication Unit, based on the experience of laboratories in Chile and Brazil. Public funding agencies often promote "technological innovation" associated with "Industry 4.0" which requires a conceptual understanding of this framework. The authors address the industrial robot as a central element of research projects associated with robotic techniques, and creative processes. In summary, this article discloses a repertoire of technological alternatives and installation considerations, with a detailed review on how to set up a robotic unit for academia, for teaching, research and design development, in the context of Southern Creative Robotics.
Digital Fabrication, Industrial Robot, Industry 4.0, Fab Lab, Maker

Andres Martin Passaro
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Gonçalo Castro Henriques
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Rodrigo García-Alvarado
Universidad del Bío-Bío

Luis Felipe González-Böhme
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María


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