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SIGraDi 2022 | Critical Appropriations

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D3.S2.Keynote Speaker

Friday, 11 November 2022
11:30 - 12:45

Plenary Room

Chair: David M. Sperling, Universidade de São Paulo

Keynote Conference
Regenerative Manufacturing | Beyond the 4th Industrial Revolution
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Session Language: ES (ESPAÑOL)

This presentation will be in Spanish and will have English translation

Resumen. Unlike the exponential increase in digital information, every year we lose globally the bio-information contained in the DNA of the multiple species that become extinct due to human actions, specially by activities such as construction, agriculture, transport, and manufacturing, that directly affect the increase of global warming. The digital information vs. bio-information appear to travel on opposite growth curves.
The loss of biodiversity in our planet is the consequence of a predatory economic model, which extracts raw materials and gives back contamination. How to strengthen the development of a regenerative and collaborative economy, based on the co-creation of value from bio-information, which stimulates and encourages the increase of local and global biodiversity? Regenerative Manufacturing | Beyond the 4th Industrial Revolution is a space to reflect on the opportunities offered by bio and digital technologies to develop a new generation of design and manufacturing models that increase the biodiversity of the planet.

Keywords. Regenerative manufacturing, 5th Industrial Revolution, Digital Biology, Biodiversity design, Fab LAT

Benito Juarez is pioneer in digital manufacturing technologies in Peru and Latin America. Co-founder of the Latin American Fab Labs Network. Creator of the Floating Fab Amazon project, selected by the United Nations for the global launch of the 17 SDG (NYC, 2015) as “the World’s most disruptive project on Sustainable Manufacturing and Climate Change” (Summit Solutions, UN 2015). Creator of the SimbioCreación methodology, which promotes the culture of Exponential Collaborative Creativity. Co-founder of NUTRIGENE (Singularity University 2016), a company dedicated to eradicating malnutrition in the world through a nutrient printer. Director of Supernodo Latinoamérica (Fab Lat) from where he works for technological democratization through the creation of inclusive projects and avant-garde products based on digital fabrication, revaluing the riches in biodiversity and multiculturalism of Latin America.


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