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SIGraDi 2022 | Critical Appropriations

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66: Architectural Diversity of Residential Buildings through Digital Design and Robotic Construction
Original title: Diversidad Residencial mediante Diseño Digital y Construcción Robótica

Research in ESPAÑOL

The housing demand in Latin America has promoted to build big complexes with repetitive designs to ensure their execution and commercialization, but neglecting the differences in occupation, cultures, ages, abilities, genders, climates and locations. Producing low quality, environmental deterioration and social alienation. This work exposes a parametric programming and robotic construction strategy to develop a varied residential process. Based on structural volumes and 3d-printed walls, to provide a diversity of housing configurations. The modular generation of volumes and development of the envelope is programmed to meet various thermal and occupational conditions, with printing trajectories for the walls according to the equipment, execution processes and material capacities. A repertoire of 494 residential volumes has been defined and prototype walls have been made, suggesting an innovative design system, wich provides a new paradigm for housing construction with digital technologies and robotic execution to diversify residential quality.
Inclusive Design, Housing, Parametric Design, Robotics,Digital Fabrication

Rodrigo Garcia-Alvarado
Universidad del Bio Bio

Pablo Banda Perez
Universidad del Bio Bio

Ginnia Moroni Orellana
Universidad del Bio Bio


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